In patients with prostate cancer, it is currently not easy to determine whether the cancer has formed metastases in the lymph nodes. However, the time of discovery plays a crucial role in this case. The earlier the metastases are detected, the higher the chance of survival and the more precisely the doctor can direct the therapy. Ferrotran® enables more patients to undergo minimally invasive procedures instead of extensive surgery.
Ferrotran® is a new contrast agent that contains microscopically small iron particles (so-called nanoparticles). These particles are fished out of the blood by the white blood cells and transported to the lymph nodes. Healthy lymph nodes absorb the iron particles, those affected by metastases do not. Even if these are only two millimeters in size, they can then be clearly identified in the MRI.
Ferrotran® is a new contrast agent that contains microscopically small iron particles (so-called nanoparticles). These particles are fished out of the blood by the white blood cells and transported to the lymph nodes. Healthy lymph nodes absorb the iron particles, those affected by metastases do not. Even if these are only two millimeters in size, they can then be clearly identified in the MRI.
Radiation therapists, surgeons or urologists can target the lymph node metastases more precisely, which means that healthy tissue can be spared during therapy and thus unnecessary side effects and complications for the patient can be avoided. In addition, nanoparticle MRI with Ferrotran® can also detect metastases that other methods could possibly have been overlooked, so that later impairments can also be avoided.
Radiation therapists, surgeons or urologists can target the lymph node metastases more precisely, which means that healthy tissue can be spared during therapy and thus unnecessary side effects and complications for the patient can be avoided. In addition, nanoparticle MRI with Ferrotran® can also detect metastases that other methods could possibly have been overlooked, so that later impairments can also be avoided.
Currently Ferrotran® is not yet approved as a drug. To do this, comprehensive clinical trials must first be carried out. Ten hospitals spread across Europe are currently participating: a total of 180 patients will be included. Prof. Jelle Barentsz from the Radboud Hospital in Nijmegen has already hundreds of patients examined with this contrast agent. SPL Medical would like to make Ferrotran® available to more patients in the future,
to enable them to receive earlier and patient-specific treatment. The results of these studies will determine whether Ferrotran® may be used in the future for the early detection of lymph node metastases in prostate cancer.
Are you suffering from prostate cancer and are you thinking about participating in a study? Here you will find information:
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