SPL Medical – Innovative Research
and development in cancer diagnostics.

The goal of SPL Medical is to develop and research new technologies that sustainably improve imaging procedures in diagnostics, so that lymph node metastases and inflammatory activities in the body can be detected more precisely and significantly earlier, patient lives can be extended and the quality of life of those affected can be noticeably increased. SPL Medical is a spin-off from Radboud University Nijmegen and is supported by Oost NL and b.e.imaging, a German specialist in contrast media.

Successful international studies
already in phase III.

In order to register the globally novel agent in Europe and Germany, a registration trial with Ferrotran® is currently underway at several well-known European clinics for the detection of pelvic lymph node metastases in prostate cancer patients. To date, more than 700 prostate cancer patients have been diagnosed with Ferrotran® , giving them earlier and more specific treatment and a significantly higher chance of recovery.

Successful international studies already in phase III.

In order to register the globally novel agent in Europe and Germany, a registration trial with Ferrotran® is currently underway at several well-known European clinics for the detection of pelvic lymph node metastases in prostate cancer patients. To date, more than 700 prostate cancer patients have been diagnosed with Ferrotran® , giving them earlier and more specific treatment and a significantly higher chance of recovery.

and news

SPL Medical has entered into an Agreement with Sanochemia Pharmazeutika GmbH for supply and worldwide distribution of Ferrotran® (Ferumoxtran) for detection of Lymph node metastases by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

The business agreement, signed by SPL Medical and Sanochemia Pharmazeutika, is a comprehensive contract. The agreement grants Sanochemia worldwide exclusivity regarding the supply and distribution of Ferrotran® (an iron oxide-based nanoparticle) for use in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) except for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. These

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