
Patients with renal impairment cannot undergo angiography because iodine and gadolinium contrast agents are contraindicated. Iron-containing ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles, such as ferumoxtran-10, are not contraindicated in these patients. Thus, patients with renal failure can still undergo angiography with ferumoxtran-10....

SPL Medical announced today that the new issue of the German S3-guidelines for prostate cancer, released this month by the Guideline Program Oncology of the German Cancer Society, Deutsche Krebshilfe and AWMF, for the first time is mentioning Ferrotran® (Ferumoxtran) on page 25 of the...

Jedes Jahr erkranken in der Schweiz rund 6400 Männer neu an Prostatakrebs, 1300 sterben daran. Damit ist das der häufigste Tumor bei Männern. Die Prognose hängt stark von seiner Ausbreitung ab. Krebszellen können über die Lymphbahnen in die benachbarten Lymphknoten der Beckenregion oder über die Blutgefässe...