Author: sysad

The goal of this first study comparing Nano-MRI (MRI with a ferumoxtran-10 contrast agent) and 68Ga PSMA- PET/CT was to investigate a potential complementary role for these novel imaging modalities in identifying suspect lymph nodes in prostate cancer patients. Nano-MRI in a comparison with 68Ga-PSMA-...

Accurate detection of lymph-node metastases in prostate cancer is an essential component of the approach to treatment. We investigated whether highly lymphotropic superparamagnetic nanoparticles, which gain access to lymph nodes by means of interstitial–lymphatic fluid transport, could be used in conjunction with high-resolution magnetic resonance...

In patients with prostate cancer who are deemed to be at intermediate or high risk of having nodal metastases, invasive diagnostic pelvic lymph-node dissection (PLND) is the gold standard for the detection of nodal disease. However, a new lymph-node-specific MR-contrast agent ferumoxtran-10 can detect metastases...